Jose Moura

Prof. José M. F. Moura

Philip L. and Marsha Dowd University Professor
Associate Department Head for Research & Strategy
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 USA

Moura directs at CMU the CMU-Portugal Program launched on October 2006 and funded by the Portuguese Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia. The Program is directed in Portugal by Professor João Claro from Universidade do Porto. The first 5 years of the Program was a 100 Million dollars program. The CMU-Portugal Program was extended a sixth year and was renewed to a more focused and smaller five year Phase II (about 26 Million dollars). The CMU-Portugal Program is now in its Phase II. For more information, visit the program website.

Prof. Moura has been the principal investigator of several DARPA, NSF, ONR, and other Agencies grants, including the two multi University DARPA research grants (DESA, Discovery and Exploitation of Structure in Algorithms, started in May 2005, and OPAL, Optimized Portable Algorithm Libraries) and of an NSF-ITR (medium size) grant to develop SPIRAL. [AWP: fix links to SPIRA]

SPIRAL is an interdisciplinary project in the areas of signal processing, scientific computing, compilers, computer architecture, machine learning, and mathematics. SPIRAL has been licensed by SPIRALGEN, a start-up company cofounded by Moura and four collaborators. SPIRALGEN further develops and commercializes the distribution of SPIRAL. In August 2012, SPIRAL received a grant from the DARPA HACMS Program and in September 2012 a grant from the DARPA PERFECT Program. In 2015, Spiral won a grant from the DARPA BRASS Program. All three are co-led by ECE Professor Franz Franchetti.