Entries by Academic Web Pages

18-752 Detection, Estimation, and Identification

(12 Units, taught everyother spring semester, next offering Spring 2005, graduate course, satisfies ECE coverage requirements) Basic graduate course in detection and estimation theory. Decision theory: Binary hypothesis testing, M-ary testing, Bayes, Neyman-Pearson, Min-Max. Performance. Probability of error, ROC. Estimation theory: linear and nonlinear estimation, parameter estimation. Bayes, MAP, maximum likelihood, Cramér-Rao bounds. Bias, efficiency, consistency. […]

18-751 Applied Stochastic Processes

(12 Units, taught every Fall, next offering Fall 2004, graduate course, satisfies ECE coverage requirements) We introduce random processes and their applications. Throughout the course, we emphasize the discrete-time point of view, although we also discuss the continuous-time case from time to time. Topics covered include: basic concepts of random variables, random vectors, random sequences, stochastic […]

18-396 Signals and Systems

(12 Units, taught every semester, undergraduate, sophomore/ junior level breadth course. Last time I taught was Spring 2006) Basic introduction to signal transforms, linear systems, time and frequency descriptions, discrete and continuous time, emphasis on discrete time. Fourier, Laplace, Z-transforms. Sampling theorem.

18-202 Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Engineering

(12 Units, taught every semester, undergraduate, sophomore level core course. I taught Fall 07 and teach Fall 08) Basic mathematical fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, focus on complex numbers and complex analysis, ordinary differential equations, linear algebra. Co-prerequisit for 18-220.

18-899 Adv. Topics in Signal Processing: Algebraic Signal Processing

(12 Units, 1st offering Spring 2004, not taught regularly, graduate course, satisfies ECE coverage requirements) Traditionally,   Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is taught and learned through formulas and summations. Fast algorithms, for example, the FFT, are introduced through intricate index manipulations. The underlying structure is lost with so many fast algorithms dispersed in the literature for […]

18-799 H Adv. Topics in Signal Processing: Network Science: Modeling and inference

(12 Units, 1st offering Spring 2011, not taught regularly, graduate course, satisfies ECE coverage requirements) Do you ever wonder how seeming successfully ants forage for rich sources of food, bees move a beehive to more suitable locations, flocks of birds fly in formation? How come a tree falling in Ohio causes fifty five million people in […]

Prof. Moura named 2018 IEEE President Elect

I am the 2018 IEEE President Elect, to serve as 2019 IEEE President. I ran as Petition Candidate in the 2017 IEEE President Elect election, see www.josemoura.com for my position statement.

CMU Announces Settlement of $750 M Infringement Suit

CMU announced with Marvell a record $750 Million settlement on infringement of two of my patents (co-inventor, my former PhD student Alek Kavcic). Find details at  http://www.cmu.edu/news/stories/archives/2016/february/patent-lawsuit.html, and http://www.cmu.edu/news/stories/archives/2016/february/patent-lawsuit.html This settled a lawsuit brought by CMU and that won a verdict of $1.5 Billion. (See Phys.org News “Chipmaker Marvell told to pay $1.5 bn in […]